Puerto Marina: the jewel of Benalmádena’s coastline

  • 6 months ago

Right next to our office is Puerto Marina in Benalmádena, and it’s a place worth talking about. Here’s why people like it so much:

Why Puerto Marina stands out

  • It’s big and fancy: Puerto Marina isn’t just any marina; it’s one of the biggest around, packed with high-end restaurants, cafes, and shops. Whether you’re looking to grab a bite, enjoy a coffee, or shop, there’s plenty to do.
  • Looks cool: The buildings here aren’t your usual marina fare. They’re colorful, have a unique Mediterranean vibe, and you’ll probably want to take a few photos. It’s not just the boats that draw eyes; it’s the whole setup.
  • Fun stuff to do: Beyond just eating and shopping, there’s an aquarium called Sea Life Benalmádena, where you can check out all sorts of sea creatures. Also, you can hop on a boat and take a cruise along the coast to see more of what the Costa del Sol has to offer.

Eating, shopping, and going Out

The marina has a lot of places to eat and shop. Whether you’re in the mood for seafood, Italian, or just a good old burger, you’ll find it here. And when the sun goes down, the place doesn’t sleep. There are clubs and bars to explore if you’re up for it.

What’s the big deal about the architecture?

Puerto Marina has this special look – think Mediterranean village but with a modern twist. It’s all about the colors, the quirky designs, and the little details on the buildings that make you stop and look.

More than just a pretty place

  • Visit the aquarium: Sea Life Benalmádena is right there. It’s perfect for a family trip, a date, or just a solo visit to learn a bit about marine life.
  • Take a boat ride: There are cruises that can take you along the coastline. It’s a cool way to see other towns and enjoy the sea views.

Boating and more

If you’re into boats, Puerto Marina has got you covered with over a thousand spots to dock. It’s equipped to handle pretty much any type of boat, making it a top pick for sailors and yacht owners.

Wrapping up

Being so close to Puerto Marina is great for us and anyone who comes to visit. It’s not just about the boats; it’s a whole package – good food, interesting sights, and fun activities. If you’re ever in Benalmádena, it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s a big part of what makes the area special, and we love it.

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